Blast From The Past: Dead Man's Wharf
Updated: Sep 30, 2022
Halloween Horror Nights 2016 offered many delights. One of the highlights was the scarezone called 'Dead Man’s Wharf'. It was located in the Disaster/San Francisco area.
The scarezone description was as follows:
"When a fishing vessel named Annabel Lee never returned to the harbor and was lost forever, the wharf was left uninhabited as a memorial to her. Now, a strange fog has rolled into the village. And the long-lost fishermen’s spirits seek to punish the town that left them."
The spirits of the dead fishermen lost to the sea have returned to make the dock earn its morbid nickname. On October 30th, 1931, the fishing vessel Annabel Lee, captained by Arthur Wilson, left this harbor and would never return. That evening, a thick fog blanketed the area preventing any attempt at search and rescue. Once the weather cleared, a search yielded no results. Certain that the vessel and her crew were lost forever; the town decided to leave the wharf empty as a memorial. As years passed, the dock gained the nickname "Dead Man's Wharf."